Caring for Grief Through Complementary Therapies

COVID – 19 Losses
As we make our way in a COVID – 19 world, we are experiencing all sorts of losses. Missed events. Disrupted routines. Shaken security. Navigating illness or a death while social distancing from family and friends. Losses experienced at this time may be impacting your personal identity, employment, relationships, quality of life, community, and your own well-being. With so many losses, there is much grief.
What is Grief?
Simply defined, grief is a normal response to loss. Grief can affect the mind with anxiety or confusion, the body with fatigue or crying and the spirit with yearning or loneliness. Everyone believes in their own unique way, and each loss is a unique experience. We never “get over” our grief, rather it is a journey of moving forward. The question remains, how to move forward now?
Everyone believes in their own unique way, and each loss is a unique experience.
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay
What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)?
Complementary therapies are practices not included in the standard medical care. These therapies are meant to be integrated with other therapies such as talk therapy and support groups; however, the good news is that you can try out some of these therapies in your home. Perhaps these practice can provides ways for you to care for your grief.
- Art therapy is known to improve pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Here are some ways you can dabble in some art therapy today: coloring in a coloring book, painting, writing letters, journaling, creating a memory jar or box, dancing, scrapbooking and looking at photos.
- Music therapy also provides benefits to improving pain, depression and other quality of life measures. You can listen to relaxing music or sounds which could reminds you of loved ones or special times. Using music as a background noise can limit or decrease the silence.
- Aromatherapy involves smelling relaxing scents including lavender, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, and any scent you prefer such as being outside on a spring day.
- Relaxing Therapies includes yoga, meditation, stretching exercises, compassionate touch, breathing exercises, and guided imagery exercises which can be found on YouTube.
“Art is our one true global language. It knows no nation, it favors no race, and it acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to reveal, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible.” by Richard Kamler.
Everyone believes in their own unique way, and each loss is a unique experience.
Contact Unity Hospice at 800-990-9249 to speak with a grief counselor or visit our website here to learn more about how we can support you. Thanks to generous community donations, Unity’s grief counseling services are offered to the public at no charge.
To learn more about Unity Hospice’s services and how we are supporting the community during COVID-19, please visit here or call 1-800-990-9249.
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