“I was totally blown away by the care, compassion, professionalism and respect I experienced with Unity Hospice. Mom had congestive heart failure and dementia. When hospice was recommended by the assisted living staff, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The first thing mom asked me about hospice was, “Well, how much is it going to cost me and do I have enough money?” I said, “It’s taken care of by Medicare which you paid for all your life. So you don’t have to worry about the cost.” The approval went through the same day. I was literally shocked…. because next thing you know there is the oxygen mask, the oxygen unit, a much better wheel chair and then a bed. It’s like, holy cow, fasten your seat belt these guys are serious. With Unity on board, it took the care up three to five notches. It was amazing. Unity could focus just on my mom and not worry about that next buzzer. Even as her overall health deteriorated, her quality of life and attitude towards life was made much better with Unity Hospice. It really makes a difference to have that one-on one interaction of hospice personnel. Hospice was amazing. It’s not just helping the person, it’s helping the family. For me especially, I felt more educated in what to expect. They were trying to prepare my mom too, as well as my sister and my wife. You kind of want to make peace with yourself. You want to make peace with those around you. And you want to enjoy the time that you have as much as you can in as little pain as you can. And I think all of those bullets were touched on and improved by her care from Unity. Mom passed in her sleep. You really can’t get more peaceful than that. I know for a fact her last period here on earth was made better by Unity. She had a better outlook on life and better quality of life. I was also grateful that when mom did pass, a lot had already been organized and planned out. I found the preparation that came with Unity Hospice during the last few months, the last few weeks and ultimately the last few days, made things so much easier. I would highly recommend anyone who thinks their loved one might be approaching end-of-life to ask about hospice sooner rather than later. The longer you wait the more care you miss out on.”